Epilogue Vol 1 & 2

Epilogue Vol 2
Korg Prologue 8 & 16
I wasn't too sure if I was going to do a follow up Bank for the Korg Prologue as there's been a lot of new Oscillators and FX that have been expertly made by others. They sound great, however installation has to be precise or the Patches won't sound right...So I decided to go back and use the Factory Oscillators and FX, but with a twist...
All 100 Patches are actually...200 Patches! Every single Patch I have made uses both Layers, this gives access to a much more dynamic sound. They're not just 2 copies of the same sound, but completely different in many cases, such as a Dark Pad on one Layer and an Arpeggio going over the top.
There's Bass and lead Splits, Keys and Pads, Dual Strings and a whole range of other Sounds, with both layers made together at the same time, for a complete Patch.
I've made some of my best Sounds with this Bank and while it took twice as long to make as it uses 2 Layers for each, the results are far, far better. Of course, all 100 Patches are demonstrated on Video.
If you buy the wrong Bank by "Mistake" there are no refunds.
Support for Korg Librarian Bank and Single Patches added.
Please Note - Bank includes Factory Patches - GEOSynths start at number 400

Epilogue Vol 1
Korg Prologue 8 & 16
It was only a handful of years ago; that the leading Manufacturers were putting out Virtual Analogue Flagships...this was going to be the future.
Analogue was “too expensive to make” but there’s a lot more you can do with Digital...though many of us, still wanted that sound we grew up with (yes, I am that old) and thankfully, Korg started to give them to us...Monotron, remember that?
Of course, we’ve seen a deluge of analogue Mono’s and more recently the Poly’s again, sporting more Voices than ever, more reliability and an overall better experience than trying to maintain the old Synths.
The Prologue is Korg’s re- emergence into the “Pro” level of Analogue Poly Synths and some have questioned what they have delivered with Prologue, but as a Sound Designer, it’s the Sound I judge a Synth on, not what the “Spec Sheets” state...and the Prologue sounds great!
If you buy the wrong Bank by "Mistake" there are no refunds.
Support for Korg Librarian Bank and Single Patches added.
Please Note - Bank includes Factory Patches - GEOSynths start at number 300+