Prophecy Vol 1&2
Prophecy Vol 2
Sequential Prophet 5 & 10
GEOSynths has gone Deeper with Sound Design for the Prophet 5 by creating Prophecy Vol 2. This time it explores both Frequency and Filter Modulation in more detail, Oscillator Sync for Tone and using Osc 2 as an LFO.
While there are some more 'Traditional' Sounds, there are a great deal more experimental Patches, however they are still playable, not just random FX. .
While there are other 3rd Party Banks, what I noticed was that they were being demonstrated with FX, which the end user may not have (Hardware or Software) or know what the actual settings are, so I decided to find a Plugin that could do Chorus, Reverb & Delay in one.
Sadly, that doesn't exist, so I have created 80 Presets for Blue Cat Audio's Chorus and Valhalla Supermassive, both of which are free, so all you need to do is download and install them and then insert them in your DAW, then select the corresponding Preset of your Prophet 5/10.
Included are multiple ways to load the Patches, so you can install them to whichever Group you like on the Synth itself, as well as support for the Sound Tower Editor.
Once Downloaded, there are NO REFUNDS or Swaps
ONLY USE V2.01 Firmware - The latest BETA (2.04) causes Issues.
Prophecy Vol 1
Sequential Prophet 5 & 10
I'm back with a fantastic Bank of Patches for the Classic Sequential Prophet 5/10 Keyboards and Modules. Here you will find 80 Patches covering a wide range of sounds from, Pads, Strings, Bass, Lead, Traditional, Synth and much more.
There's even some recognizable sounds from the likes of Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Madonna, A-HA and Wham. As usual all Patches are demonstrated over 4 videos, so you can hear them before purchase.
While there are other 3rd Party Banks, what I noticed was that they were being demonstrated with FX, which the end user may not have (Hardware or Software) or know what the actual settings are, so I decided to find a Plugin that could do Chorus, Reverb & Delay in one.
Sadly, that doesn't exist, so I have created 80 Presets for Arturia JUN-6 (Only Demo available now) and Valhalla Supermassive, both of which have been free, so all you need to do is download and install them and then insert them in your DAW, then select the corresponding Preset of your Prophet 5/10.
Included are multiple ways to load the Patches, so you can install them to whichever Group you like on the Synth itself, as well as support for the Sound Tower Editor.
Once Downloaded, there are NO REFUNDS or Swaps
ONLY USE V2.01 Firmware - The latest BETA (2.04) causes Issues.